The Top 5 Shocking Cleaning Service Myths
During our research, we uncovered a number of misconceptions surrounding cleaning services, including misunderstandings about the people who hire these services and the professionals who provide them. These misconceptions often lead to confusion or unrealistic expectations. To clear things up, we’ve identified five common cleaning service myths that deserve to be addressed. In this post, we will take the time to debunk each myth and provide the facts, helping you make more informed decisions when it comes to choosing or working with a cleaning service.

Cleaning Service Myths: #1 – “People who hire help think they’re too good to scrub toilets.”
Wrong! Perhaps you don’t like to clean toilets. And why is that? Because you have other ways you prefer to spend your time. We don’t think we’re better than the baker or the farmer. We would simply rather spend our time doing things other than kneading dough or raising crops. Let’s see… Lounging by the pool or cleaning toilets? No one would fault anyone for choosing poolside lounging. We know and respect this simple truth about people!
Cleaning Service Myths: #2 – “If you need help to keep your house clean, your standards are too high.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. Every person has their own need for cleanliness. Whether or not a person’s standards are high or low, has no bearing on whether or not it is reasonable to hire a cleaning service. Many people lead very busy lives for many reasons. Perhaps your work has turned you into a road warrior. Or you spend all of your free time supporting charities. Or you have children that you wish to give the best of yourself to.
One thing we have learned is that your need for a cleaning service is not driven by your standards, it’s driven by how you want to live your life!
Cleaning Service Myths: #3 – “Cleaning help is a luxury, only for the privileged.”
Yes and no. Luxury vs. Necessity is a muddled concept where modern life is concerned. If you have a job and children, you need to attend to both of these. You also need to attend to maintaining a clean home. Is daycare a luxury? No. It is a necessity for homes where both parents are pursuing careers. The same can be true of housecleaning if YOU choose it to be. There is only so much time, choosing to hire a cleaning service is simply a solution to one of your needs… The need for a clean, healthy home.
Cleaning Service Myths: #4 – “Hiring household help is classist and unethical.”
Is employing people classist and unethical? No. Classist and unethical is measured by how people are treated when they are employed. When we employ the services offered by others, we provide them a means to provide for their family and to feel a sense of purpose in their day. When we treat people well, we are being neither classist nor unethical. Hire a service that treats their employees well then treat your cleanings with respect, and you need not worry about being classist or unethical.
Cleaning Service Myths: #5 – “Running a household isn’t that hard. You should be able to do it yourself.”
We never asked who the author was referring to when they referenced ‘You’. Were they referring to the husband or the wife? Truth… It doesn’t matter!
Whether or not running a household is hard or easy, it still takes time! Time is a precious commodity. Even if running a household isn’t hard, it’s still time-consuming. A cleaning service saves ‘you’ time so that you may spend your time as you want. You are developing your career or growing your family. A cleaning service gives you time back for either pursuit!
So when it comes to honoring husbands/fathers or wives/mothers… A cleaning service supports both!
In Summation….
In our opinion, cleaning services are an honorable position for any person to hold and provide much-needed help in meeting the needs of modern life. A good cleaning service will provide individuals and families with improved health, peace of mind, and more free time. In one fell swoop, a cleaning service produces results in line with why we hire doctors, yoga instructors, and personal assistants.
Say NO to cleaning service myths.
Are you thinking about starting your own cleaning business: Here are 5 Steps To Start A Cleaning Business with Eadsco Cleaning Franchising
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